The danger of low cost hair transplant

As a culture, we enjoy finding a good deal, and we will typically take advantage of any opportunity to save money. Choosing a low-cost item over a high-quality product, on the other hand, isn't always the greatest option. When it comes to your health, no corners should be cut, risks should never be accepted, and no shortcuts should be used. Cheap surgery might not only result in unfavorable outcomes, but it can also cause long-term harm to the scalp.

Dr. Audumbar Borgaonkar Created on 7th Oct, 21

At Areeva cosmetic surgery center, we want your FUE hair transplant to give you confidence and boost your self-esteem. A low-cost or budget hair transplant can have the exact opposite impact, therefore in order to provide you with as much information as possible, we've compiled a list of reasons why a low-cost hair transplant isn't worth the risk.



List of things that can go wrong

Some internet hair transplant research can lead to catastrophic outcomes. The most essential factor to consider when selecting a low-cost clinic is that they will never be able to give you the greatest care. Most importantly, the individual claiming to be a competent hair surgeon may not have the necessary qualifications. They are frequently cosmetic doctors who are only dabbling in hair transplantation or, even worse, their helpers are doing the surgery or a significant portion of it. Following are the things that can go wrong when you choose to undergo a cheap hair transplant-

· Patients are frequently affected by post-surgery problems such as serious infection, heavy bleeding, excruciating pain, and edema.


· Excessive scarring might also result from a bad hair transplant. FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) generally creates small spots that resemble scars, but FUT (Follicular Unit Transplant) causes a linear scar. However, if performed by a skilled surgeon, both of these scars will fade over time. A badly done operation, on the other hand, might result in severe scarring that does not fade with time. In such instances, people may require a remedial process to remedy the problem.


· One of the main things that might go wrong is sparse hair growth. Inexperienced hair surgeons frequently over-harvest donor regions or distribute grafts unevenly over the recipient area. In such cases, patients may be required to undergo remedial surgery.

· After undergoing hair restoration surgery, some patients may get a serious infection. Typically, low-cost clinics lack sanitation and hygiene, and the tools are not cleaned properly.

· Inexperienced surgeons have a tendency to over-harvest the donor regions, resulting in the most unfavorable outcome.



Be aware and follow some basic instructions.


-> Do thorough research on the clinic as well as the expert: Patients must pick an expert, experienced hair surgeon without sacrificing the quality of the therapy after opting to undergo a hair transplant operation. It would be beneficial if you always conducted a thorough study before deciding on a surgeon.


-> Seek an appointment and talk to the concerned expert before making a hasty decision: Before making a choice, you should obtain an initial consultation and speak with the relevant specialist. You have the opportunity to ask any questions you have about the process during this consultation session. You may also request that they show you their certificates and achievements during his life. Any seasoned hair surgeon will be proud to display his life's accomplishments.


-> Do not cut corners, this concerns your health and well being


If you're getting a fantastic price on clothes and shoes, it's alright to make a stupid mistake now and again. They are easily replaceable. However, when it comes to your appearance and health, you frequently can't erase a terrible decision since you'll wind up paying a far greater price for it.

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